What is the lorefront?
Welcome to the Lorefront! You can call me Johnny Scribe, and this corner of the internet is my humble attempt to bring together two of my favorite subjects: philosophy and storytelling.
While I don’t tell stories of my own (yet), I deeply enjoy a story well-told, regardless of the format. It could be a movie, video game, book, show series, or other form of entertainment.
The stories that I find the most compelling are those that use story line, dialogue, lore, and world-building to explore interesting philosophical concepts. The main goal of entertainment is to, well, entertain. So, the philosophy is usually secondary to the story.
Often times, the deeper concepts go unnoticed. What I’d like to do with this blog is draw out the philosophy from the background to the forefront of the lore (the lorefront, you might say).
how it works
So how is this done? Each post will focus on a philosophical concept (e.g., cardinal virtues, sentient vs. sapient), explaining and walking through various aspects of the concept.
Then I will look to the entertainment lore and use specific stories to showcase the concept and cement the earlier explanation. It’s a win-win, right?
We both learn cool philosophical ideas, and I get to share with you the awesome stories that I’ve come across over the years.
Welcome again to the Lorefront! I hope you like it here. I’m excited to share with you!